(970) 787-9428 | [email protected]
Class canceled due to family emergency. CANVAS PREPARATION The 'Mary Pat' way! (that should make you laugh!) WHEN: Thursday, February 20th 1pm to 3pm WHERE: Centennial Towers Apartments, 430 S […]
Membership Meeting Renew Your Annual Membership Montrose Center for Arts Annual Meeting is scheduled for 5:30 pm on Tuesday, February 25. This year, we will meet at Montrose Community Room, […]
Monthly board meeting - open to the public.
Join us at San Juan Brews (512 E Main St in Montrose) for an MCA Member Mixer. Get to know the members and enjoy the hospitality of San Juan Brews, […]
"In Northern Arizona, on the Navajo Reservation, there is a layer of earth the Navajo (Dine') call “Chinle” meaning ‘Where all things come together.” We know it as the painted […]
Join us on April 4 from 5 - 7:30 p.m. at the Elks Lodge (801 S. Hillcrest in Montrose) for our Annual Spaghetti Dinner. Tickets are available for $18 for adults ($20 at the door). Kids under 6 eat free. Purchase tickets at the Montrose Center for Arts, 205 E. Main, Tuesday - Saturday 11 […]
Monthly board meeting - open to the public.
In conjunction with the Mexican American Development Association, April 29 - May 31 is a juried show to celebrate Cinco de Mayo (May 5).
Monthly board meeting - open to the public.